Written by: Steve Granat, Cydne Clark, and Rick Shin Gould
Carmen Sandiego steals the Elgin Marbles, the Rosetta Stone, and a Native American headdress then is suddenly quiet. Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego? Carmen Sandiego is having a nightmare. In it she breaks into a Native American exhibit at a museum and the artifacts come to life. What does she do about her bad dream? Well... Carmen steals Native American treasures and promises to return them if the Native American healers will help her interpret her dream. Zack and Ivy get a little help from Acme detective Billy Running Bird. Zack and Ivy also learn more about Native American myths as they collect Carmen's clues. After Carmen talks with the healers she believes the three items she stole before this episode - the Elgin Marbles, the Rosetta Stone, and the headdress - want to return home.
I am still working on this...
Carmen's Dream
In her dream Carmen attempts to rob a Native American exhibit. The artifacts come to life and stop her. Another Carmen dream was seen in "Moondreams"
Myths and Legends of the Native Americans
Book Carmen is reading after her Native American symbol filled nightmare. Carmen's room also seen in "Moondreams".
Carmen in a red snowsuit
Billy Running Bird
An Acme agent with Anasazi ancestors. He has a Hopi medicine woman for a grandmother. Pretty good with a lasso, he almost catches Carmen but his grandmother stops him.
"Why am I having nightmares about the raven, coyote, and bear?"
Carmen leaves clues behind for the Native American healers. Inside is a note. She promises to return the stolen items if they will help solve her nightmare.
Location Unknown
- Carmen Sandiego steals a Native American headdress [crime not shown].
London, England
- The Rosetta Stone and the Elgin Marbles are stolen by Carmen Sandiego from the British Museum [crime not shown].
New York, New York, USA
- A Haida Shaman rattle is stolen by Carmen Sandiego [crime not shown].
Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, USA
- Carmen Sandiego leaves a little raven carving with Jon Silver Moon as a clue.
Mesa Verde, Colorado, USA
- Carmen Sandiego leaves a little coyote carving at the Anasazi cliff dwellings. Carmen steals a Hopi medicine woman's Kachina doll.
Black Hills, South Dakota, USA
- At the Sun Dance Festival, Carmen Sandiego steals Grey Cloud's ceremonial shield and leaves a little bear carving as a clue.
Devil's Tower, Wyoming, USA
- Carmen Sandiego is chased to Devil's Tower National Monument but escapes. The rattle, doll, and shield are recovered.
Athens, Greece
- Carmen Sandiego returns the Elgin Marbles to Greece instead of England.
Cairo, Egypt
- Carmen Sandiego returns the Rosetta Stone to Egypt instead of England.