Written by: Sam Graham and Chris Hubbell
Carmen Sandiego dreams of becoming the first woman on the moon. And you know Carmen always tries, almost succeeds, to make her dreams become reality. Carmen doesn't just want to go to the moon, she wants the whole world to know it. She plans to visit a 'blue moon' and paint her portrait on it. Carmen, the first woman on the moon? You go, girl!!!
I am still working on this...
Carmen's dream
We get to have a little peak into Carmen's psyche...and see her dream. In it she becomes the first woman on the moon.
Who are her henchmen in this episode?
Carmen pays
Carmen actually legally acquires a key item to her plan, she buys an Illuma Pad. It's a little toy, kind of like a Lite Brite, costs about $10.
Limo Ride
There is a really cool shot of Carmen riding in a limo, zipping through the streets of New York.
Moo Juice
The space camp cadet Zack and Ivy meet at the Kennedy Space Center. She tells them where Carmen plans to launch from.
New York City, New York, USA
- Carmen Sandiego and henchmen seen purchasing an Illuma Pad at a toy store.
Yangtze River, Sichuan Province, China
- VILE henchmen spotted, Acme detectives Zack and Ivy detained.
Xichang, Sichuan Province, China
- At the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, Carmen Sandiego and henchmen steal 3 rockets.
Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA
- At the John F. Kennedy Space Center, Carmen steals the space shuttle.
Andes Mountains, Peru
- Carmen Sandiego's launch site, items returned.