Last Update:
yes, I am still alive
okay, this site uses frames, java, and cascading style sheets.
it was made on a pc for pcs... I am not sure how a mac will handle these pages.
from what I've seen it is not pretty.
the current versions of netscape and internet explorer support frames, java, and css goodies so download them now!
Your browser crashes because of frames.
Your desktop area setting messes it up bad.
You just can't stand frames.
Do you want out of the frame?
It is easier to navigate with frames.
It looks better with frames.
Frames are your friend.
Maybe you want to be stuck in a frame.
having any problems?
e-mail me
I will try to fix it!
site recommendations:
- desktop area of 800x600 pixels
- at least 16-bit High Color
- Netscape 4.6+ or
IE 5+
- javascript and style sheets enabled
- Microsoft fonts: Verdana, Arial, and Times New Roman.
the carmen sandiego webring
I got this nifty award from
The Sandiego Manor
It is the best Carmen
website on the net...
What are you waiting for?
Go visit the Manor today!
this page has been hit
times since
march 28, 1999
DISCLAIMER: Carmen Sandiego characters, sounds, and images from the series are copyright © and trademark ™ Brøderbund,
FOX, DIC, and whoever else owns them... not me. No infringement of copyrights intended. I am using them totally, absolutely, and completely without any permission whatsoever.
This is a fan site. I am not making any money off of this. Looking at the "opportunity cost" of creating this site... I should be doing something else. I guess that econ course I took wasn't a complete waste of time.
This is your typical disclaimer. I have nothing to do with Carmen, so please don't sue. If I did own Carmen I'd air the cartoon 24 hours a day. If I am stepping on anyone's toes ask nicely and I'll pack up my site and go sit in the corner....