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MOONDREAMS Written by: Sam Graham and Chris Hubbell Carmen's dream.
Neil Armstrong: "That's one small step for man..."
How deep...
Salesgirl: "Hey wait! Aren't you, uh, somebody?"
I love surprises. Carmen: "Before we leave New York, cut across to Times Square. I arranged a little surprise for everyone in the Big Apple."
Moo Juice? Ad in Times Square billboard as Carmen escapes NYPD Cow: "Moo."
The Player and Carmen.
Player: "If you think you can get away from me this time, you're dreaming, Carmen."
The Chief tells the detectives about China. Chief: "When most of Europe was looking for a light switch to get out of the Dark Ages, the Chinese were not just lying around."
Zack, uh, translates.
Zack: "Ivy, you hear that?"
Carmen gives them a clue, an orange. Ivy: "I guess Carmen wants to see all our daily nutritional requirements are met while we're away from home."
The C-5 puts them in a dangerous place, again.
Ivy: "We've got to talk to the Chief about fixing that C-5 glitch."
A play on the show title as they try to figure out Carmen's plan. Ivy: "Where on Earth would the launch window be?"
The Plan.
Zack: "Whoa! The rocket payloads are filled with red and black dye."
Carmen wants to show off. Carmen: "I want them to watch... from a distance."
Carmen is defeated but not caught. Carmen: "You froze me out this time, detectives. But there's always going to be another full moon, and another chance."
Carmen got away, again.
Zack: "Well if it's any consolation, Michelle will be glad we saved the space shuttle."
The Player and Carmen.
Player: "My detectives brought you down to Earth, huh, Carmen?"