the quotes | dinosaur delirium |
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DINOSAUR DELIRIUM Written by: Thomas Peroutka and David Ehrman spanish.wav [257 kb] Carmen wows us with her Spanish.
Guard: "Parece que tiene problema, señorita. Estoy seguro que los podemos ayudar. [?] una llanta punchada"
Guard: "Looks like you're having trouble, ma'am. I'm sure we can help. That's a pretty bad puncture."
Carmen taunts the Player.
Carmen: "Sorry you weren't in on all the fun, Player."
Zack complains. Zack: "Ivy, I don't think I'm having fun yet."
A Carmen Clue. Carmen: "Follow Hillary's route to the Hill. Follow Hillary's route to the Hill."
Zack and Ivy figure out Carmen's plan.
Zack: "Ivy, we're talking about making a dinosaur. No one can really do that."
Carmen waits for the detectives in the museum.
Carmen: "Well, well. What took you?"
Carmen tells henchman to make a dinosaur. Carmen: "Do it. Please."
Carmen, irritated that Zack and Ivy are there. Carmen: "I leave you clues to even the odds a little detectives but this time your presence was not requested."
Carmen caught?
Ivy: "Give up Carmen. We've got you."
The one that got away.
Zack: "I thought we had her for sure this time Ivy."
The Player and Carmen.
Player: "Carmen, you never could have made a dinosaur."