Written by: Thomas Peroutka and David Ehrman
Carmen Sandiego has pulled off some pretty amazing things. She always sets her sights on something big, something no one else would even try, and this caper was no exception. Carmen decides she wants her own dinosaur. She steals various items and begins to make the impossible. Can Zack and Ivy stop her before we have a scene straight out of "Jurassic Park"?
A so-so episode for me. An impossible, only-Carmen-could-have-done-it, crime attempted. Any episode dripping with this much Carmen-ego has to be ok.
I am still working on this...
Carmen Sandiego's personalized license plate.
Carmen en espaņol
Carmen speaks Spanish to distract the guards [here]. My Spanish is terrible...do you know what they say?
Ivy's Workout
Ivy exercises, Zack just watches.
Clay Tandoori
Carmen's henchman. His homebase is Agra, India. He steals a part of the Taj Mahal. Also seen in "Labyrinth Part 1"
A friendly peticab driver the detectives meet in Agra, India.
Carmen's Clue
"Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi..." uh, sorry. Carmen leaves the detectives a little clue in a miniature Taj Mahal. She tells them to "follow Hillary's route to the Hill".
Taj Mahal
The Taj Mahal
The Smithsonian
The Smithsonian museum.
Location unknown
- Carmen and her henchmen steal four Russian Mil-MI 26 helicopters.
Agra, India
- Clay Tandoori and VILE henchmen steal the dome from the Taj Mahal.
Location unknown
- Computer disks containing genetic research, particularly Dinosaur research, stolen [crime not shown].
Washington D.C., USA
- The Smithsonian Institution broken into by Carmen and her henchmen. Dinosaur bones stolen.
Komodo Island, Indonesia
- Items retrieved.