the quotes | a date with carmen part 2 |
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A DATE WITH CARMEN PART 2 Written by: David Bennett Carren & J. Larry Carroll In this incredibly long quote, Zack and Ivy recap everything (and I mean everything) that happened in "A Date With Carmen Part 1".
Ivy: "In our last episode, Carmen Sandiego broke into a top secret Russian lab." [From Part 1 Carmen breaks into the lab.]Zack: "And made a clean getaway with everything she needed to build her own time machine." Ivy: "Which was all part of Carmen's greatest plot ever: to travel back in history and steal things that no longer exist." [Paul Revere's Liberty Bowl vanishes.]Ivy: "But that began to change history."
[Zack and Ivy chase Sara Bellum over Boston.]Zack: "Yeah. Like the United States never became the United States and stayed part of the British Empire." [At Fenway Park the Chief slowly becomes British.]Ivy: "So while the Chief started talking like Sting..." Zack: "We used Acme's very own time-hopping gizmo, the chrono-skimmer, to zip through the ages and try to straighten everything out." [The detectives' first attempt at traveling through time.]Zack: "First we found out Paul Revere, who was supposed to be a humongous hero..." Ivy: "Was now, thanks to Carmen's interference, a total outcast!" [The Colonists yell at Paul Revere.]Zack: "Carmen had somehow kept Paul Revere from making his midnight ride." [Paul Revere tries to explain.]Zack: "And that changed the course of the American Revolution." Ivy: "But Carmen wasn't finished. She time traveled back even further in history, crashing the Boston Tea Party." [Carmen steals the ships containing the tea.]Ivy: "Then Carmen headed to Philadelphia..." Zack: "Just as Ben Franklin began his famous experiment..." Ivy: "And stole the key right off his kite!" [Carmen snatches the key.]Ivy: "All modern technology started fading away including Acme's mainframe." [The Chief fades away.]Ivy: "And now if we don't get that key back from Carmen..." Zack: "We'll be trapped in history forever!"
On horseback, Ivy and Zack chase Carmen after she stole Ben's key.
Ivy: "She's all yours, Zack!"
They get the key back but the Chief still talks with an accent and Carmen gets her time traveling car back.
Zack: "But it looks like the good old U.S. of A. is still very, very British."
Carmen the Conqueror. Carmen: "Remember no matter how hard you try detectives, time conquers all but Carmen conquers time."
Zack falls and Ivy catches him as they try to stop the henchmen from stealing the tea. Ivy: "Could you possibly make a little more noise?"
Ivy and Zack stop Carmen from stealing the tea by releasing the rockets a little early.
Zack: "Time to rock and roll."
A Carmen Clue. Carmen: "Well done, detectives. That's one for you. Maybe I'll give you a ring sometime and we'll play again."
Zack and Ivy find Carmen at the Bell Foundry.
Zack: "Any ideas?"
A time traveling Carmen Sandiego is a very dangerous thing. Very cool, but very dangerous. Carmen: "No matter, detectives. While you're hanging around here forever...I'll just go through time and steal the horseshoe all over again."
Zack complains about something... Zack: "Carmen's right. Now we're stuck in eighteenth century London. No pizza, no videos. What am I talking about? There's not even tv!"
Ivy roughed up Pearl and Al, Carmen makes a run for it.
Carmen: "I agree, Ivy. Good work. You beat me this time, but then I have lots of time. All the time in the world."
Catching up to Paul Revere, and trying to return his horseshoe.
Ivy: "Let's saddle up, partner."
Zack tries to calm Paul Revere down after he falls off his horse.
Zack: "Hey, easy there Paul. That was some header."
Zack re-shoes Paul Revere's horse...sortta. Zack: "Trust me horsie. I know what I'm doing...sortta."
Someone stole the chrono-skimmer.
Zack: "Ivy, the chrono-skimmer! It's gone!"
Carmen and the Player..
Player: "My detectives closed the door to the past, Carmen. You'll never leave the present time again."