Written by: Sean Roche, Melanie Williams & Perry Adelman
Part 1 of 2. The Pentagon has major computer problems and asks Zack for help. Ivy gets a new temporary partner: Lee Jordan. Lee Jordan is one of Acme's best detectives, but he has a major chip on his shoulder. As the only detective to ever catch Carmen Sandiego he butts heads with Ivy and tries to sabotage her efforts to catch Carmen.
I am still working on this...
A Picasso exhibit
Tons of Pablo's painting are shown as the Chief gives them a Picasso lesson. Tons more I'm sure, but I couldn't make some out.
The First Communion; 1895-6; Museo Picasso, Barcelona.
The Infanta Magarita María, from The Maids of Honor (Las Meninas) after Velázquez; 1957; Museo Picasso, Barcelona.
Woman Running on the Beach; 1922; Musée Picasso, Paris.
They censored this painting in the cartoon. I don't know why they put this Picasso painting in the Chief's lesson...
The Two Saltimbanques (Harlequin and His Companion); 1901; Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow.
Portrait of Gertrude Stein; 1905-6; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Girl before a Mirror; 1932; Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Chief's C-5 Spain to Greece joke
The Chief has a voice-over as they C-5 to Greece. My version didn't have him say anything...but the Closed Captioning did. "Good bye Spain, hello Greece. A beautiful country with over 2,000 islands...that's a lot of dressing."
Clip show
As Lee tries to track Carmen, he asks for more info and views clips from previous episodes. I haven't seen all of the episodes so this is a little incomplete...
Carmen flashes her Acme badge. [from where?]
Carmen escapes from the Orient Express. [DAYS]
Carmen steals the van Gogh painting's eyes. [SMILE]
Carmen escapes from the van Gogh museum. [SMILE]
Carmen in her red car. [DINO]
The Chief talks about King Tut's sarcophagus. [BOY1]
King Tut's tomb lesson. [BOY1]
Carmen riding away on a horse. [DAYS]
Fly-by of the Taj Mahal. [DINO]
Carmen with the stolen costumes flees on horseback. [DAYS]
Stealing the dome of the Taj Mahal. [DINO]
Gaza, Egypt
- Carmen Sandiego steals King Tut's sarcophagus.
Washington, D.C., USA
- The Pentagon computer system hacked into by Lee Jordan.
Palermo, Sicily, Italy
- Carmen abandoned her hovercraft and hat at the Cathedral.
Barcelona, Spain
- Painting from Museo Picasso stolen by Carmen Sandiego.
Delphi, Greece
- At the Delphic Oracle Sanctuary, Carmen Sandiego is captured by Lee Jordan.