October 17, 2000
First, save one of these icons. Second, rename the file to favicon.ico Third, upload the favicon to the root directory of your website. Fourth, test the favicon. In IE, bookmark your website, or send it to the desktop as a shortcut. Some of the icons that I have made seem very small when displayed in IE, but look quite good as a shortcut on the desktop. For easy access you really should have your own site bookmarked on your desktop.
Next update: 10/28
To 'celebrate' this new change, I have created a favicon. Don't know what a favicon is? It is a favorite icon. In Internet Explorer it is shown in the 'favorites' list. Bookmark my site and a little picture will be displayed next to the bookmark. It will also be displayed in the Address bar next to my url. If you were create a shortcut to my site on your desktop, it would show a bigger version of the icon. Using Internet Explorer? Add this site to your favorites right now and take a look at my favicon. Don't have IE and want to see the icon?
Next update: 10/10
So, how have you been? I know that I haven't updated this place in a really long time, but I have been quite busy. Well, not that busy. It seems as if my Carmen obsession took a little break. I did not feel like updating. Bad me. I also spent too much time goofing off. The reason? One word: boyfriend. Also began school again, yuck, and started working again, double yuck. I do not know what I will be doing with this site. The VCR I had hooked up to the Snappy and used to grab the pics has died. It started to eat my tapes, so I threw it away. My brother let his friend borrow the Snappy, and I haven't seen it since. So, new pics will have to wait until I yellat my brother and make him get the Snappy back. Maybe a month before I put new pics up. I just checked my tripod account, and they now give 50MB free space! 50MB? Woo-hoo! Now I can add more things to this site! I guess I will try to finish my episode guide. Something I have been thinking about for a while... adding a chatroom to this site. I am still tweaking it, and deciding if I want to keep it... what do you think? Good idea?
Next update: Definitely 9/27
Well, school's out. Yeah! Unfortunately I have been spending waaaay too much time hanging out. Thus... no new Carmen stuff this week. I think that I'll take a little vacation from the Carmen stuff. Maybe a week or two more. Is anyone out there? Does anyone visit my site? Is it still worth doing? Ah, I'm sure that I'll have something by the end of this month. Well there's a bit to report. Carlos G. sent me an e-mail mentioning the Canadian showings of Carmen. Ah, those lucky Canadians still get Carmen. I think that I had a bunch of links to some Canadian Tv websites... maybe next update I'll make a 'Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego playing?' page.
Looking for new pics? Ahem... bit of a delay. I forgot about an assignment. Have to push the update back a couple of days. I can't wait for summer :-)
For those who still feel sad about Carmen leaving Pax (sigh... pass the klenex), the following is a little something written
by Carlos G
carmen came face to face with lee jordan but still was the best.
when she left fox kids it was bye bye carmen,
she meet
avalon who she thought was her father,
there was a time they thought carmen was dead,
carmen sandiego was gone, fox family said bye bye.
then a channel called
pax tv
put carmen back in business.
then the great carmen sandiego left pax.
carmen was a great
maybe one day a smart channel will
air it again...
![]() ![]() So what do you think? See anything familiar? ![]()