the quotes | trick or treat |
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TRICK OR TREAT Written by: Perry Adleman & Melanie Williams Carmen and henchmen break into the fireworks factory.
Carmen: "Remember, any entry alerts security so we've only got two minutes."
Carmen doesn't know that Zack and Ivy are already there, with a news crew.
TV Reporter: "As the most exciting detective case of the decade unfolds, we are here with ace Acme detectives Ivy and Zack on what promises to be the final chapter in Carmen Sandiego's long career."
Carmen is surprised. She is somehow denied access.
Carmen: "Impossible!"
The reporter ruins Zack and Ivy's chances.
TV Anchor: "We interrupt this program with a special live report."
Carmen is caught on camera, covered in foam after her mishap in the factory. Very un-Carmenlike.
TV Reporter: "Here we are live, ladies and gentlemen. Covering the greatest arrest of all time."
Carmen escapes and ignites the fireworks.
Carmen: "I love to go out with a bang."
As Carmen escapes, the reporter turns to our favorite Acme detectives...
TV Reporter: "Oh, what a spectacular exit. What went wrong detectives? Stay tuned...expose on Acme's ongoing snafus, at eleven."
The Player and Carmen discuss the trick.
The Player: "I enjoyed the show, Carmen. It was a treat to see you on tv."
The detectives get a hand delivered clue.
Carmen: "Trick or treat!"
Carmen surprises Zack.
Carmen: "Boo!"
Ivy's quick thinking saves them after a crash.
Ivy: "Just call me Amelia Earhart."
Carmen applauds the detectives from the top of the Hollywood Bowl.
Carmen: "Bravo, detectives. Do it again."
A Carmen Clue.
Carmen: "It's a treat having you around detectives. So for Pete's sake, don't get bogged down. "
Ivy and Zack don't know where to go with the clue.
Ivy: "We know this is a replica of an ancient rune. And the Scandinavian Vikings used runes kind of like fortune tellers used tea leaves to tell the future."
They finally realize a seasonal theme is appearing.
Zack: "Yep, Carmen's definately on a Halloween jag."
Zack chooses a costume to wear while crashing Carmen's party.
Ivy: "Super Chicken, nice. That's a chick magnet."
Zack the overconfident.
Zack: "Come in Ivy. Call the news crew and the police. We're bagging all of VILE tonight."
Ivy finally arrives in her costume and runs into a costumed Carmen. Zack overhears them from behind a door.
Carmen: "Interesting choice of costume, Ivy."
Zack finds out Carmen wore an Ivy costume and Ivy wore a Carmen costume the hard way, catching the wrong one...
Zack: "Sis, you are looking at Acme's finest superhero in action. I'll be inducted into Acme's hall of fame by breakfast."
Carmen escapes as a ton of reporters swarm around the detectives.
Zack: "Man! Carmen, you set us up!"
The reporter asks Ivy and Zack some pretty interesting questions.
TV Reporter: "How does it feel to lose Carmen Sandiego yet another time? Do you think you'll ever catch her?"
Carmen got her revenge and had a little fun doing it...
Carmen: "Thank you, Player. That was the best Halloween I've had in years."