the quotes | the trial of carmen sandiego |
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THE TRIAL OF CARMEN SANDIEGO Written by: Bill Matheny & Laren Bright Carmen locates a Aztec temple with the help of henchman Archie Ology.
Carmen: "Good work, Archie Ology. The temple's right where you said it would be."
After setting off the booby traps in the temple, Zack has his doubts. Zack: "Uh, maybe we let her get away just this once."
Zack and Ivy watch as Carmen is kidnapped. Carmen: "Help! Zack! Ivy!"
The Player tries to contact Carmen. Player: "Come on, Carmen. What's the trick? Carmen? Carmen?"
Zack jumps into the drivers seat. A really bad idea.
Ivy: "Uh, excuse me."
Zack drives the car into a puddle.
Zack: "Well, I'm driving so it looks like you'll have to push, Ivy."
Ivy reads the subpoena. Ivy: "The fine print says "you are hereby subpoenaed to appear at ...the trial of Carmen Sandiego?"
The C-5 drops the detectives in a fountain, with the C-5 car. Ivy: "Before you take your road test, Zackary, you better work on your parallel parking."
Ivy is worried after the Chief describes Traitor. Ivy: "Kind of a wacked-out, one-stop judge and jury, huh Chief?"
Judge R. B. Traitor begins the trial of Carmen Sandiego. Judge R. B. Traitor: "Order in my court. Carmen Sandiego you hereby stand accused of a lifetime of thievery. Stealing objects of every shape and size, fleeing from justice, and on the night of September 4th I charge you with breaking into Salisbury Cathedral in England to steal the Magna Carta."
Carmen's lawyer Lee Galese attempts to save her and doesn't see the trap door.
Lee Galese: "Your honor, my client pleads that due to the obfuscation of the prima facie evidence and the absence of any sort of habeus corpus the ipso post facto argument clearly demonstrates that charges herewith are specious and should be dropped posthaste under the statute of..."
Carmen is quickly sentenced.
Judge R. B. Traitor: "Carmen Sandiego you are...guilty! Guilty! Guilty as charged! Tell me where you've hidden the Magna Carta before I sentence you to the dungeon cell of your choice!"
Ivy is very upset over how Carmen has been treated.
Ivy: "Who do you think you are, Traitor? Appointing yourself Carmen's judge and jury? You can't get away with this!"
Ivy takes her legal rights very seriously. Ivy: "Carmen's a thief but where I come from she gets to stand trial in a real courtroom where you're innocent before proven guilty by a jury of your peers."
Carmen begins her defense.
Carmen: "I never stole the Magna Carta, your honor. That's why I asked you to bring Zack and Ivy here. They have evidence that will prove my innocence."
The Chief can't get a lock on the detectives. Zack: "Huh, never mind Chief. Ivy here's going to prove Carmen's not a thief."
Carmen is temporarily released to search for evidence. She gets to wear nifty handcuffs. Carmen: "I don't usually wear exploding jewelry, Traitor. It's a bit theatrical for my tastes."
Ivy falls off the Statue of Liberty.
Zack: "Gotcha!"
Carmen comes up with a plan to find the Magna Carta. Carmen: "Detectives, maybe we're going about this the wrong way. I didn't steal the Magna Carta but if we could prove who would put me in the clear."
At Salisbury Cathedral, the detectives talk to the guard.
Zack: "We're Acme detectives and we're investigating the missing Magna Carta."
Carmen reveals all after she finds out where the Magna Carta was hid.
Zack: "Archie Ology working with Traitor?"
Zack gets it.
Zack: "The Aztec temple and the kidnapping were all faked to lure us so we'd help you find the Magna Carta!"
Carmen escapes yet again. Carmen: "I'd call this 'attempted entrapment', detectives. You'll have to do better."
Carmen gets away and Zack is upset.
Zack: "Oh, man, I hate this! You know, we come so close to doing our job. We figure it out, put it all together..."
Carmen and the Player.
Player: "I'll catch you yet, Carmen. They you'll really have your day in court."