Written by: Mark L. Hoffmeier
Henchman Mason Dixon is fed up with Carmen's scoldings so he steals her time machine. He goes back in time to a failed robbery where he got arrested and sent to jail while Carmen escaped. Mason changes things so Carmen becomes the one who is captured and imprisoned. Fast forward to the present...Zack and Ivy can't figure out how Mason Dixon has become the head of V.I.L.E. and how Carmen Sandiego became his insecure henchwoman. Can Zack and Ivy help build Carmen's confidence up enough to stop Mason Dixon's evil plans?
I am still working on this...
Ivy in a dress
At the Appomattox Court House Ivy tries to blend in by wearing a dress. That's henchwoman Ante Bellum in the truck.
Mason Dixon
Carmen Sandiego's henchman. He messes up the Appomattox Court House caper and gets quite a scolding from Carmen. Mason decides to steal Carmen's time machine and becomes the head of V.I.L.E. by changing the past. At a failed robbery in Amsterdam seven years earlier, instead of Mason Dixon being jailed... Carmen Sandiego was arrested.
Carmen in Grey
After Mason Dixon changes the past Carmen spends a couple of years in prison. When she gets out she becomes Mason's insecure henchwoman.
Appomattox, Virginia, USA
- Carmen Sandiego and henchmen Mason Dixon and Ante Bellum attempt to steal a 130 year old sofa at the Appomattox Court House.
Appomattox, Virginia, USA
- April 9, 1865. A table used in the peace treaty signing is stolen by George Custer.
Richmond, Virginia, USA
- Carmen Sandiego breaks into the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
Charleston, South Carolina, USA
- 1864. The Hunley, a Confederate Navy submarine is stolen from Charleston Harbor by Carmen Sandiego, with the help of Acme detectives Zack and Ivy.
Hampton Roads, Virginia, USA
- March 9, 1862. The stolen submarine, the Hunley, is almost used by Mason Dixon to sink the Monitor.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA
- 1863. Mason Dixon steals a wagon load of shoes.
Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 7+ years before this case. Carmen Sandiego and Mason Dixon attempt to steal a Rembrandt. Mason Dixon is caught and sent to prison for 7 years.
Appomattox, Virginia, USA
- VILE henchmen Mason Dixon is captured.