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SPLIT UP Written by: Michael Maurer, Matt Uitz and Sean Roche island.wav [107 kb] Carmen at Mont-Saint-Michel, France. Carmen: "A famous English poet, John Donne, once said, 'No man is an island.' But I say this woman should definitely have one."
Carmen runs into Zack's barrier. Carmen: "Well, well. A welcoming committee."
The Chief and Zack watch Carmen evade the Zack Attack 20,000.
Chief: "Oh, she is so good."
Carmen gloats after she steals Mont-Saint-Michel. Carmen: "Au revoir. It was a nice try detectives but face it, both of you together are no match for the greatest thief of all time."
Carmen and the Player.
Player: With Zack's new security program, your days are numbered, Carmen.
Zack is interviewed about the Zack Attack 20,000.
Reporter: "Your new computerized security system has been installed to protect priceless objects at the Louvre Museum in France, the Forbidden City in China, and other world wide historical landmarks."
Zack boasts to reporters. Why would anyone say this?
Zack: "I've devised a system that Carmen Sandiego will never crack."
The C-5 to Italy. Chief: "Okay my quibbling siblings listen up. You're kicking it from USA to Italy. The country that's part peninsula, shaped like a boot. Something in a high heel."
Ivy is sick and tiered of the Zack Attack 20,000. Ivy: "You hack Zack, I'll attack!"
When egos clash...
Ivy: "We'll see who catches Carmen first, little bro!"
Ivy jumps from Sara Bellum's helicopter. Ivy: "I hate to flip and skip professor, but this is one class I'm cutting."
The Chief is worried about Zack's attitude towards his sister. Chief: "Hello! The brain surgeon called, your parts are in!"
Ivy asks the Player for a little help from someone other than Zack who speaks Italian.
Marco: "Ivy?"
Carmen wants Zack to find her.
Chief: "Yes! Ivy's checking in."
Zack frees his sister.
Ivy: "Come on! Carmen would never expect us to climb a straight wall of solid granite."
Carmen and Sara watch Zack and Ivy climb.
Sarah Bellum: "Ah, right on schedule."
Zack and Ivy jump and the computer goes bye-bye.
Zack: "Aaaa! Ivy!"
Carmen escapes again.
Carmen: "I've got to hand it to you for using Sarah Bellum's robot against her. Turnabout is fair play, kids."
Philosophical Carmen.
Player: "I guess Zack and Ivy taught you a lesson, eh, Carmen?"