the quotes | the stolen smile |
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THE STOLEN SMILE Written by: Kimmer Ringwald, Michael Konik and Sean Roche Carmen handles the guard dog at the van Gogh museum. Carmen: "Sit! Good boy."
Carmen taunts the Player.
Carmen: "I got away again, Player."
The Player picks Ivy to catch Carmen.
Chief: "Ok, let's bust a move Player. Pick a detective. And this time, make it good."
Ivy gets a partner, Zack.
Ivy: "Chief, the last thing I need is... Zack! My brother Zack?"
Zack and Ivy don't like the C-5 corridor.
Zack: "Yeah? Well I've got a saying too. If it doesn't have a seatbelt and an in-flight movie, I don't fly it."
V.I.L.E. henchman Touriste Classe checks in with Carmen.
Touriste Classe: "Eh Boss, you there? Those two teenagers from the Acme Detective Agency are already here."
Ivy safety tip while chasing Touriste Classe. Ivy: "C'mon! Slap on a brainbucket and let's go stamp his passport."
The Chief thinks Ivy is a little grumpy. Chief: "Aw, get up on the wrong side of the web this morning, did we Charlotte?"
The detectives C-5 into the van Gogh museum.
Museum Curator: "The museum is closed. How did you get in without me hearing you?"
Carmen's clue.
Carmen Robot: "I had the biggest nose, but I might be lying. I had the biggest nose, but I might be lying."
Zack and Ivy analyze Carmen's clue.
Zack: "Maybe we're picking the wrong noses."
Ivy discusses her brother's gracefulness. Ivy: "Nice going Baryshnikov!"
Zack and Ivy try to outrun Carmen's henchmen in Egypt.
Ivy: "We can't outrun them with the two of us on this hovercraft."
What? Huh?
Ivy: "Hey! Look at what that henchman had in his pocket, pesetas."
Zack figures it out but Ivy is still clueless.
Zack: "Hello! Anybody home? Do a few cerebrum sit-ups Ivy. Who's got the most famous smile in the world?"
Ivy compliments her little bro.
Ivy: "Zack, you are a genius."
Carmen surprises Zack and Ivy at the Louvre. Carmen: "Ah, my favorite detectives."
Zack, Ivy, and the art of camouflage.
Ivy: "'Pretend we're statues, he'll never see us.' Ugh! What were you thinking!"
Ivy breaks down the door.
Ivy: "How many times have I told you, ugh, don't, ugh [thud], call me, ugh [thud], sis! Ugh [thud]."
Carmen takes control of the airwaves.
Chief: "Heere's Carmen!"
The gloat heard 'round the world. Carmen: "Now I will unveil my masterpiece for you, and then I'll keep it forever in my private art museum."
If it wasn't for those meddling kids...
Carmen: "Those detectives have only managed to delay the moment I will unveil my masterpiece to the world."
Carmen and the Player.
Carmen: "I stole some of the finest art in the world."