the quotes | retribution 3: maelstrom's revenge |
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RETRIBUTION PART 3: MAELSTROM'S REVENGE Written by: Doug Molitor The Chief recaps part 1 and part 2.
Chief: "Attention, Acme agents! We need all your sleuthing skills to help bust this case. It's got more tangled ends then five guys with comb-overs in a twister. Argh! Auntie Em! Auntie Em! There's no place like homepage. Okay, here's the scoop troop. Doctor Maelstrom, the most ruthless, dangerous thief Acme ever busted, has busted out of prison. Busted out see. This notorious, no-goodnick was my first arrest as an Acme detective. Whoah! Buns of steel, body by Humpty Dumpty. With my, catch this, then partner Carmen Sandiego. Now, Maelstrom's after Carmen for putting him in jail all those years ago so Zack and Ivy tail him hoping to catch both of them in a showdown. Boy, were they wrongo-bongo. Then this scourge of the sea stole the world's only underwater hotel from... well, underwater in Florida and planned to use it as his new headquarters. With a foe this crazed and violent, Zack and Ivy had no choice but to join forces with Carmen to stop him. Unfortunately, that appeared to put our detectives on the wrong side of the law." [From Part 2 The Police corner Zack and Ivy in Virginia.]Chief: "Confused? All right, let's get to it and straighten this case out. Some restrictions may apply. Your results may vary. Clues are for comparison only. Member, A-C-M-E."
Carmen watches the detectives work on the paperwork.
Carmen: "Ha-ha-ha! Catching up on your homework, detectives?"
Carmen & Co. figure out the clue.
Carmen: "Wait! The music! That's the Toreador's Song from the opera..."
A little technicality.
Ivy: "Hold on! Maelstrom may be in Paris but we can't walk out the door till we finish these."
Carmen worries about her reputation. Carmen: "I'm not gonna let Maelstrom get away with ruining my reputation like this."
Carmen tracks Maelstrom.
Carmen: "Good diversion Maelstrom. But not good enough."
Zack complains about their travel experiences. Zack: "Why can't we ever do these foreign countries like other tourists, from the comfort of a bus."
Carmen is concerned after the boat explodes. Carmen: "Zack? Ivy? No!"
Carmen upset about being framed. Carmen: "Another perfect choice. He'll make it look it like I've stolen it and become as vicious a criminal as Maelstrom."
Carmen surprises Maelstrom.
Maelstrom: "Where's my..."
Maelstrom, Carmen's psychic friend.
Maelstrom: "I told you a long time ago you'd become a thief Carmen, but you didn't believe me. Well, now witness a crime greater than any you'd ever dreamed of."
For fun or profit?
Maelstrom: "Ah! There's the difference between us, Carmen. You spend so much time with your precious little plans, trying to make tidy entrances and exits, that you forget why we are really thieves in the first place... to take what others have, period. End of career description."
The Chief and Carmen stop Maelstrom.
Carmen: "Just like old times, eh Chief?"
Carmen escapes yet again. Zack: "We lost her again Chief! Again! Ah, she was ours and we lost her!"
Zack, Ivy and the Chief talk about working with Carmen.
Ivy: "It was really strange working with Carmen for a change, huh little bro."
Philosophical Carmen.
Carmen: "In the words of a famous American writer, William Faulkner, The past isn't dead. It isn't even past."