the quotes | retribution 1: unsinkable carmen sandiego |
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Ivy: "Warden, we got a CrimeNet alert that an Acme prisoner escaped. Anything we can do?"
The Warden doubts Maelstrom survived.
Warden: "No one could have escaped this blast, and it was Maelstrom's violent life that put him beneath that pile of rubble."
The Chief tells the detectives all about Maelstrom.
Zack: "Chief, what can you tell us about this creepazoid, Dr. Maelstrom?"
Carmen Corners Maelstrom at the U of Liverpool.
Carmen: "Sorry, Maelstrom."
Maelstrom about to make a run for it.
Carmen: "I'm afraid our little cat-and-mouse game is finally over, Dr. Maelstrom."
Carmen borrows a motorcycle. Carmen: "Acme detective Carmen Sandiego. Don't worry. I'll get this back to you."
Carmen corners Maelstrom again. Maelstrom: "You Acme detectives certainly are a persistent breed."
Maelstrom gives her the slip with a nifty gadget. Carmen: "Blast! How does he design those awesome vehicles?"
The Chief continues the story. Chief: "Yep, yep, yep. This guy was one tough cookie, and I mean no soft chewy center. Of course, you know, I could have told Carmen how to handle him but this was back before I was in charge."
Carmen tries to figure out what Maelstrom is up to.
Inspector: "You and your computer, I tell you..."
Carmen gets a clumsy partner.
Chief: "Oh, detective Sandiego, what an honor! Whoa! Oh no! An open window...!"
The Chief had a body.
Zack: "Chief, you had a body?"
Maelstrom breaks in on the Chief's frequency and taunts Carmen.
Maelstrom: "Knowledge is power, Carmen."
The Chief tells the detectives how they got around before the C-5.
Chief: "Since this was before they invented the C-5 Corridor, Carmen flew us from San Francisco to Australia in the Acme jet. Though new to flying, I laughed in the face of danger"
The Chief saves Carmen from the giant squid. Chief: "Oh, give her up, you overgrown sushi!"
Carmen knows what Maelstrom wants. Carmen: "Oh, my gosh, Chief. He's gong to steal the sunken ship Titanic. He'll desecrate a memorial to all those who lost their lives in that tragedy. We've got to stop him!"
Maelstrom's plan.
Maelstrom: "Descending in nuclear submersibles, we will attach magnetic disks to the Titanic's hull. Then activate the self-inflating pontoons, which will fill with hydrogen gas. The Titanic will rise like Venus from the sea."
Carmen easily defeats Maelstrom's henchmen. Carmen: "That's why you're the henchmen and not the boss."
The Chief crashes on the boat. Chief: "Uh, do you validate?"
Chief finishes the story. Chief: "Next day, September 1, a crew lead by Dr. Robert Ballard found the Titanic, Maelstrom went to prison, and I asked for a nice quiet desktop job. Maybe as a paperweight."
Zack and Ivy find Maelstrom alive and well.
Zack: "We're from Acme and you're busted!"