the quotes | labyrinth part 3: when in rome |
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Written by: Doug Molitor The Chief recaps what happened in Labyrinth Part 2. Chief: "Okay, listen up gumshoes! We've got big, big trouble in the time zone. Zack and Ivy chrono-skimmed to the future where they found Carmen was a world heroine, and they were wanted by the police. But, true to form, Carmen went on to pilfer the world's most powerful electromagnet. Very attractive. Then, stashed it with the stolen bust of Roman leader Marcus Aurelius and vanished somewhere in time. Now, Zack and Ivy found themselves behind bars. Now let's chrono-skim into the time zone and stop Carmen Sandiego."
The Chief was a little worried about not hearing from the detectives.
Ivy: "Am I glad to see you."
The detectives seem to be mistaken for witches a lot when they time travel. This time it's 218 B.C., the Alps.
Zack: "Quick, set the translata-scan on the chrono-skimmer so we can talk our way out of this. Or at least hear how he's going to do us in."
Carmen gives them a Roman coin and says... Carmen: "You'll want a ringside seat for my next theft, detectives. Carpe Diem."
Ivy is 5'9" according to the scan done in "Hot Ice" which is taller than the Romans of 176 A.D.
Ivy: "And I feel like Dorothy in Munchkinland."
Zack and Ivy are captured and sent to the Roman Colosseum.
Zack: "Looks like we got off easy, Ive. We're going to the games."
Zack and Ivy watch Carmen from their cell.
Ivy: "Carmen's bringing something in on the elephants."
Zack is chosen to fight Ivy. Ivy: "If we don't want to end up as part of the lion act, this has to seem like a battle to the finish, Zack."
Zack and Ivy begin to fight.
Ivy: "Would you at least make it look like you're really trying?"
Zack has a plan.
Zack: "Chase me Ivy."
Zack knows where Carmen is.
Ivy: "I don't know how long I can keep this up before I get a thumbs down from Marcus Aurelius."
Carmen pulls off her mask... Carmen: "Now for a show these Romans will never forget."
Carmen is upset the detectives stopped her.
Carmen: "I'm afraid I could only save you so many times in my disguise as Marcus Aurelius."
Carmen and the Player.
Player: "You tried to steal from the past, present, and future, Carmen."