the quotes | labyrinth part 1 |
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LABYRINTH PART 1 Story by: Joe Barruso Written by: Wendell Morris & T.R. Sheppard Zack and Ivy watch a report on Carmen done by "Current Copy"
Maury: "Tonight, "Current Copy's" own Sandy Savage is going to tell us everything we ever wanted to know about Carmen Sandiego. Just who is this mystery woman and where will she strike next?"
Carmen watches the "Current Copy" story on herself.
Sandy Savage: "So, as you can see from my report, Carmen Sandiego may be the greatest thief of all time, Maury."
When Carmen starts talking about time you have to worry.
Henchman: "Carmen? Should we go?"
Carmen and the Player discuss her latest heist.
Player: "Guess "Current Copy" isn't too impressed with you, Carmen. Especially now that you've resorted to stealing miniatures of famous landmarks when you used to steal the real ones."
The Chief has a bizarre theory.
Chief: "Think about it! If I know what Carmen's up to...then, agh, maybe I am Carmen! Agh!"
Ivy tries to analyze the only clue they have from the mini robbery.
Ivy: "Player, try an info-search of all Carmen's henchmen who wear a size ten."
Zack and Ivy enter VILE's secret training facility.
Computer: "Welcome new VILE recruits. State your names please."
The detectives tease each other while being scanned.
Zack: "This must be the place where Carmen tries out the crooks who want to become henchmen, Ivy. I mean U Gross."
The detectives find out why Carmen stole those miniatures.
Ivy: "Look! She's using holographic reproductions of world landmarks to weed out the henchmen who won't cut it on the real jobs."
Carmen makes an announcement to her henchmen. Carmen: "Attention all VILE henchmen. Cease your training drills and rendezvous for a top priority job."
Zack and Ivy run into Carmen's own version of the Chief, right out of a negative reality.
nega-Chief: "Ten-hut, you VILE wannabes."
The nega-Chief quizzes the new recruits.
Ivy: "We've got to try to make it through, Zack. We're right at Carmen's front door."
The nega-Chief continues to quiz them as they climb the tower. nega-Chief: "You can't do the crime if you don't have a mind. So let's burn some brain cells, if you've got any."
Zack and Ivy have stolen the fake Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Zack: "All right!"
Carmen finds out the detectives are in the training facility.
Computer: "Alert! Alert! Security breach in level two!"
Carmen has a little chat with the mice in her maze.
Ivy: "Carmen!"
Zack and Ivy chase Carmen but she gets into her time machine.
Zack: "We beat your system! You're history, Carmen!"
The detectives have found the missing chrono-skimmer and get a new one to chase Carmen with.
Ivy: "Chief, remember when the Acme chrono-skimmer turned up missing the last time we went time skipping?"