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CHAPTER AND VERSE Written by: David Ehrman and Sean Roche The Player and Carmen.
Player: "My detectives froze you out this time, Carmen."
What's Carmen up to?
Zack: "What's with the writers? First Hans Christian Anderson and now Charles Dickens."
Carmen: "Hope you don't mind if I share your cab, detectives. As a famous American poet, Robert Frost, once wrote, 'I've miles to go before I sleep.'"
At the Dickens' home. Zack: "Why an ink well when she could have ripped off these antique books? 'David Copperfield' by Charles Dickens. 'A Tale of Two Cities' by Charles Dickens. 'A Christmas Carol' by... whoa! Charles Dickens' favorite writer must have been Charles Dickens."
A rough C-5 to Hannibal on 'Mark Twain Day'.
Ivy: "Mark Twain?!"
Zack tries to avoid fixing the fence.
Zack: "Ah, didn't Mark Twain once say, 'Never put off till tomorrow what you could do the day after tomorrow'?"
They finally know what Carmen is up to.
Zack: "Twain's desk, Dickens' ink well... Carmen's writing her memoirs!"
Carmen has the perfect ending for her book...
Zack: "That's why the mainframe's been acting up. You were playing around with CrimeNet files!"
They get everything back but Carmen is gone.
Carmen: "Nice catch, Zack. Too bad you'll never be able to do that with me."
Carmen and the Player.
Player: "Acme's back in business, Carmen, and your thieving days are numbered."