info-scan all for one
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all for one
Written by: Bruce Shelly and Reed Shelly

Dara Riska and Al Loy try to pull off a job by themselves but they fail miserably because they can not work together. Carmen Sandiego decides to work on VILE's teamwork by stealing items that inspire it. The henchmen then return to the Shwe Dagon Pagoda to steal it the right way.

adorable gold bar

I am still working on this...

adorable gold bar

the scene of the crime

Myanmar's Flag Yangon, Myanmar [Rangoon, Burma]
Dara Riska and Al Loy attempt to melt down the gold off of the roof of the Shwe Dagon Pagoda.
Norway's Flag Oslo, Norway
Viking longboat stolen from the Viking Ship Museum by Carmen Sandiego and her henchmen.
Greece's Flag Olympia, Greece
Henchman steals the Olympic torch.
USA's Flag Exact Location Unknown
Henchmen steal a US Marines Special Forces obstacle course [crime not shown].
Location Unknown Location Unknown
Carmen Sandiego steals the Code of Hammurabi [crime not shown].
Myanmar's Flag Yangon, Myanmar [Rangoon, Burma]
Carmen Sandiego and her henchmen attempt to steal the roof off of the Shwe Dagon Pagoda.

adorable gold bar

until next crime
last tweaked: 1-14-00