info-scan by a whisker
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by a whisker
Written by: Doug Molitor

What kind of pet would Carmen Sandiego want? Carmen steals two rare white lion cubs. She acquires items to build the perfect private game preserve for them. The detectives run into Sir Nigel Fenwick, who is actually henchman Frank M. Poster in disguise.

nifty red bar

I am still working on this...

The Times
whis_15.jpg The Tower of London guards read "The Times". The lion cub story is on the front page.

whis_28.jpg The Russian train conductor's cute cat.

Sir Nigel Fenwick
whis_31.jpg whis_32.jpg The detectives run into him but he is actually V.I.L.E. henchman Frank M. Poster.

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the scene of the crime

England's Flag London, England
Part of the Tower of London and the Crown jewels stolen by Carmen Sandiego and her henchmen.
Mongolia's Flag Gobi Desert, Mongolia
The Tower of London and Crown jewels recovered, two diamond necklaces still missing.
USA's Flag Kaimu, Hawaii
The Kaimu blacksand beach stolen [crime not shown].
Canada's Flag Vancouver, Canada
Hida Indian totem pole stolen from Stanley Park by Carmen's henchmen.
Russia's Flag Siberia, Russia
A boxcar of caviar stolen by Carmen's henchmen and Sir Nigel Fenwick/Frank M. Poster.
Zimbabwe's Flag Zimbabwe, Africa
Zambezi National Park, two white lion cubs stolen by Carmen Sandiego and henchmen.

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until next crime
last tweaked: 1-14-00