the quotes follow my footprints
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Written by: Kevin West

Carmen chats with the pilots.

Carmen: "How you doing, boys? Out for a little spin?"

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Do you think that would stop her?

Pilot: "You heard the man, Carmen. You are prohibited from entering Chinese airspace. So, just do yourself a favor and just set her down."
Carmen: "Sorry. You forgot to say please."

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The Player and no Carmen.

Player: "Wow, Carmen. That has to be your cleverest trick ever. Carmen? Carmen? Carmen?"

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The Chief can't handle Carmen's death.

Zack: "Is that... ?"
Chief: "Carmen. She's, uh... she never had a chance. She's, uh... gone forever."
Zack: "Not Carmen. Chief, come on. No way she could be..."
Ivy: "No..."
Chief: "No more news. The search was cancelled. She was buried under a million tons of snow. I... I'm gonna... go. If you need any info access prerecorded files. I can't process anymore."
Zack: "He's in bad shape, sis."
Ivy: "Before Carmen went bad, she was the Chief's top detective. And when you loose someone you care for like that... grieving is natural. "

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They trigger a hidden message.

Zack: "It's so final. I'd better close her file."
Ivy: "Bye, Carmen. What? What's going on?"
Zack: "Get a load of this, Ive."
Carmen: "Hello, detectives. If you're closing my file, I guess something unforeseen must have happened to me."
Zack: "She somehow broke the cancel code, so if we ever closed her file it would activate a hidden message."
Carmen: "What will you do, detectives, now that I'm gone? I guess that means you were the best after all... or, does it? Even though I won't be there to pull it off myself, I do have one last big crime to remember me by. The clock is ticking."
Ivy: "Three clues to Carmen's final caper."

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I'm not exactly sure what he says... if you know e-mail me! Dude talks way too fast.

Lee Galese: "Good day. I'm Lee Galese. And the law can be tricky, so listen carefully. In the event of the eventuality which has eventuated I have been instructed to state the following: be announced that under the standard Criminal Empire Succession Agreement with respect to paragraphs 1 though 85b [?] the first party, Carmen Sandiego owner and proprietor of VILE, hereby causes a contest to be initiated amongst the party of the second part known. The outcome of which contest would be used to determine who shall assume all roles and responsibilities of said estate by virtue of [?] the three solutions of three clues of which said contest is comprised. Thank you for your attention. I've taken the liberty of extracting my retainer from the estate. Have a nice day. If not, consider suing."

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The Chief blames himself...

Chief: "What? Oh, sorry. Uh... I was just trying to figure out where I went wrong, detectives, with Carmen.. you know. I'll get out of your way. You have work to do."
Ivy: "No, Chief, wait!"
Zack: "Don't blame yourself, Chief."
Ivy: "She made the choices that put her in that avalanche on her own."
Zack: "But, you know, it helps to think about the time you did have with her. It'll make you feel better about the good things."

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The C-5 to Tanzania.

Computer: "This C-5 corridor from San Francisco to the east African country of Tanzania has been prerecorded for your traveling pleasure."

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Archie looks at the footprints Leakey found.

Archie Ology: "Almost 4 million years old! This is incredible! This is unbelievable! This is... very old."

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Moe and Lars try to steal the painting but...

Moe: "Ah, Lars, the painting's on the wall."
Lars: "Right. So what do you need? Bolt cutters? Screwdrivers?"
Moe: "No! It's on the wall!"
Lars: "Of course it's on the wall! This is a museum!"
Moe: "No, it's a fresco!"
Lars: "It's a museum!"
Moe: "No, the painting's a fresco!"
Lars: "No! The painting's a da Vinci, you witless insect! How are we going to take it?"
Moe: "We're not! It's a fresco, and that means it's painted on the wall. I told you it was on the wall."
Lars: "Yeah, but who knew it was on the wall?"

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He really is worried.

Chief: "Uh, guys, I have something I need to tell you."
Zack: "How you doing, Chief?"
Chief: "Well, I want you to know how much I appreciate you... you two. And I... well I couldn't bear it if anything were to happen to you."
Zack: "Nothing's gonna happen to us, Chief."
Ivy: " And nothing's gonna happen to this case if we don't figure out the next clue."
Chief: "Okay, okay. Just be careful out there. You're all I've got. Oh, I'm through. Do the clue. Whoop-de-doo. Toodle-doo."
Zack: "I think he's making progress, Ive. He seems to be putting Carmen's demise behind him."

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Nutcase = Sara Bellum?

Michelle: "I'm down here at NASA and there's been some strange activity spotted on the lunar surface. Whoever this nutcase is has some kind of souped-up rocket and..."
Zack: "Ivy, I'll bet you anything it's Sara Bellum. She cracked this clue ahead of us and is after Neil Armstrong's footprints."

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A little chat on the moon.

Sara Bellum: "Well, well, well. You're a long way from home, Zackary."
Zack: "I go where the crime is, Sara. Maybe you didn't know that about me."

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He's feeling better.

Chief: "Stop right there! Sara Bellum, you're busted! I'll never let another crook get away like Carmen did!"

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They all miss her.

Chief: "You know, losing Carmen really hurts but... it's going to be okay."
Zack: "There's one last thing we should do, Chief. I think it'll help us all finally get over our loss."

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They visit where she 'died'.

Ivy: "Good-bye, Carmen. I hope you finally found some peace."
   [A bird with a note appears.]
Ivy: "Look, Zack! What's this? 'Look up'?"
Zack and Ivy: "Huh? Carmen!"
Carmen: "I'm truly touched, detectives. Nice to know my successors really care."
Zack and Ivy: "Successors?"
Carmen: "You beat out all my henchmen, so you get to take my place if the occasion should ever really arise."

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Ending of this quote was "borrowed" from The Sandiego Manor

Player: "What do you know Carmen, it was all just a clever trick to find out who can take your place someday."
Chief: "Oh, there you are, Carmen. That's right... the old, foolish Chief crying like a baby over somebody playing a great big trick on him. Well, I don't think it was clever."
Carmen: "Well, the added bonus for me was finding out that you really still care about me, Chief."
Chief: "Oh, yeah... well... but... uh, that doesn't mean that I won't see you behind bars as soon as possible, Carmen!"
Carmen: "Until next crime, Chief. I just love when you get so emotionally involved."
Chief: "Ha-ha! Zack, Ivy, we are back in business!"


until next crime
last tweaked: 1-29-00