the quotes skull and double-crossbones
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Written by: Doug Molitor

The Player and Carmen.

Player: "What? No bragging about your latest crime, Carmen?"
Carmen: "Me? I'm not the only thief in the world, Player."
Player: "But I've got a hunch you're in this somehow. I'll figure it out."
Carmen: "You haven't a ghost of a chance."

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Zack already has his speech prepared.

Zack: "I accept this detective of the year award and I want to thank all the little people who made it possible."
Ivy: "Oh, please. You didn't win yet, Zack."
Zack: "Hey, hey. You and Jasmine are good but face it Iv, I'm good and good looking. You're road pizza. Yeah, may the best man win."

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The Chief tells us about Mary Read and Anne Bonny.

Chief: "Records say they dressed like men. And when they were finally captured, they were defending the ship alone! All the real men had run below deck. Sorry, Zack."

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Carmen steals the HMS Swan.

Carmen: "Haul anchor and blow marlin spikes for high seas, men."

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A shark chases the detectives.

Zack: "Oh, man! We're sushi!"

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The detectives capture and question Rip Shipoff.

Rip: "Blasted, you young milk-gaggers"
Ivy: "What's Carmen doing with the cannons and pirate ship?"
Rip: "She's pulling off a robbery. The likes of which you'll never figure out you long haired chum."
Parrot: "Macaw! Macaw!"
Rip: "Shut your blabbering gob, you. You'll give Carmen away!"
Parrot: "Macaw! Greatest pirate in history!"

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Rip Shipoff threatens his bird after he blabs.

Rip: "Your feathers'll do for a nice pillow, you mutinous magpie!"

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Zack tries to warn the Akula's captain.

Zack: "[in Russian] That's no ghost! It's Carmen Sandiego! And she isn't attacking your sub, she's stealing it!"

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The Akula is boarded by Carmen's henchmen.

Zack: "You can't just steal a submarine!"
Henchman: "Aye, mate. You're right. I can't but Carmen Sandiego can."

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Carmen kicks the Akula crew off her new sub.

Zack: "You won't get away with this!"
Carmen: "I already have, Zack. Bon Voyage. Cut the lines."

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Carmen prepares to leave.

Carmen: "Prepare to dive, men."

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Carmen tries to leave but Zack has stopped her.

Henchman #1: "We're not moving!"
Carmen: "Did someone forget to disengage the boarding lines?"
Henchman #2: "I'll get the lines."
Carmen: "Never mind. That abandoned pirate ship has served its purpose. Dive at full speed."

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Carmen, enjoying this crime.

Carmen: "I love it when a crime comes together!"

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Ivy tries to stop Carmen.

Ivy: "Stop the dive, Carmen!"
Carmen: "Well, well. I never suspected I'd be boarded by pirates."

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Jasmine and Ivy have her, but turn their backs.

Jasmine: "I radioed the navy."
Carmen: "Very impressive Ivy, Jasmine. You know there's always room for two more on my crew."
Ivy: "Sorry, Carmen. I don't think I'd like the taste of prison food."

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Carmen depressed? The Chief pops-up on her monitor as she escapes.

Chief: "Ahoy, matey! Looks like those detectives took the wind out of your sails, eh Carmen?"
Carmen: "Chief, haul your anchor off my frequency. I'm not in the mood."
Chief: "Take a long walk off a short plank."

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The Player and Carmen.

Player: "I torpedoed your plans for your own pirate sub, Carmen."
Carmen: "You may have stopped me from proving I'm the greatest pirate in history this time, but that doesn't mean I'm through with oceangoing crimes yet, Player."

neat grey bar
until next crime
last tweaked: 1-14-00